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New music: Mermaid song and Cyra's theme

I finally managed to finish two new tunes. You find them in the playlists on the main page.

Cyras Sternschnuppen-Thema

Small soundtrack, project from 2017 when I started to elaborate the world for the writing I'm currently working on. Potential soundtrack for the audio play, reflecting the innocent, magical, wishful mood of the story.


Started as a fun project in 2016 after recording mermaids in the studio for an audio play / work. Yes... it was a challenge to get the mermaids into the studio. They kept insisting they needed to stay in the water and they can't sing when feeling recorded. Finally the audio play did not happen during my time at the company... but I still had fun with the recordings :)

Seems that during system updates of the past years, the mastering project was destroyed, including all backups (parts of the arrangement project as well). Spent some hours cursing and trying to fix it... finally decided to start from scratch with the stems. Honestly... that was the best that could happen ^^ Was a good practice as well.

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